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Hotel *** Restaurant The Originals  Ambacia (Ex-Inter-Hotel)

Legal Notice

Company: Sunijotel
Capital: 767,970 €
RC.B: Saint Avertin 339 727 943
SIRET: 339 727 943 000 47
Address: 22 rue de la Tuilerie, 37 550 SAINT AVERTIN
Intra-community VAT number: FR 88 339 727 943

The Originals (Ex-Inter-Hôtel) Ambacia

22 rue de la Tuilerie

37  550 Saint Avertin, France

South Tours

Phone: +33  (0) 2 47 27 71 17

Director:  Lamia SIHEL AMALHI

The Originals Hotels Ambacia, 3-star hotel in Tours Sud and its French restaurant La Belle Etoile welcome you all year round!

© 2019  by Hotel Ambacia

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